How I Changed My Life [Hint: Succulents]


Black fingers. I definitely have black fingers. That's my nickname because if green finger were associated with the natural ability in growing plants, then I definitely am the opposite of that spectrum, because even the hardiest plants perished under my care.



Guess my reaction when I received a mini succulent pot as a gift - "Really?! It might not see the light in 2 weeks you know...". I was definitely second guessing myself.


To be honest I didn't jump on the idea, but my friend insisted that this little guy will change my mind. And it did! 


So you might be wondering how so? Read on!


Reminder to breathe

I ended up placing the little guy on my work desk right below my monitor screen, and each time my eyes wander down, I must say it puts me into a calmer frame of mind. And when I do proceed on with my work, I feel much calmer and refreshed! It is advised that if you work on a computer screen all day, aim to rest your eyes for 10 minutes for every 50 minutes spent in front of a screen.

When you're resting your eyes, the best thing to do is to look at greenery because studies have shown that the colour green is very soothing to the eyes. Go green!



Health Benefits

It is also known to bring a host of health benefits by having a plant in your personal space. Some benefits include:

  1. Improve well-being

  2. Increase attentiveness
  3. Lower levels of anxiety
  4. Lower blood pressure (systolic)

  5. Improve reaction times

  6. Improve attendance (at work and school)

  7. Raise productivity (at work)

  8. Improve perceptions of the space

  9. Raise job satisfaction


I was never a plant person, but I do have to admit that with the new addition, it felt like I've unlocked a whole new side of myself, finding tranquility and calmness in my work space. PS. I've got new additions all around the house now aside from my original one at my monitor!




I used to bamboozle my way through each day, chanting efficiency like a crutch word. But these succulent had a strangely calming effect - as I blazed through all the different challenges in my work day, I learnt to slow down, take a step back and devote my attention and energy to my little pots of succulent. Watering them, simply looking at the new leaves grown, or even watching the fallen leave that they've grown out of.  In doing so, I gained a gradual sense of mindfulness in living in the present as these time double up as quiet meditation moments. As I quietly observed the shades, curvature and minute changes in each patel of my succulents, I feel an innate sense of tranquility and presence, taking in the here and now. 



And that's it folks! If a city girl like me can be moved, I'm certain you will have much to benefit from the addition of these amazing succulents in your life!

If you have any questions about Lithops or other succulents, please direct message me at and please include pictures of the plant(s) in question if at all possible! Also, do follow us on Facebook at:


And last but not least, hit me up on the comment sections on Facebook! Share with us how has keeping succulents or growing plants changed your life?


Till next week, peace friends! 🙃


Written by Bao

Bao is a coffee enthusiast in the day, efficiency maniac throughout the day, and farmer by night. Quirky is a mild description of this little pepper, but hey Aquarius in the house amirite ^^