Here's 5 health benefits of having succulents in your home


PSA! Having succulents in your home not just looks great, but can be great for your health.

Houseplants have always been an easy way of bringing in a little bit of personality and greenery into your home. But the current trend of succulent potters might just be our favourite yet, as they not only require minimal attention and care, making them incredibly easy to look after. It's 2020, between work/ school, Netflix and taxes, now who's got time for high maintenance whatnots. 

Luckily, unlike some things (or people), they not only look beautiful on the outside, these babies  are also seriously low maintenance. And now you're saying that's not all?! Yep, you heard me right, they also come with some useful health benefits and life-changing effects.


Here's 5 Ways Succulents Can Help You Live Healthier

  1. They purify the air - Succulents are excellent at cleansing the air and removing toxins. NASA’s research found that they are able of removing 87 percent of volatile organic compounds (VOC). These little guys are extra helpful in study environments because VOC substances like benzene and formaldehyde are found in rugs, , grocery bags, books and ink. Now, hitting the books is already hard as it is, back off chemicals that I can't pronounce! We all need the best environment to hit the books don't we. 
  2. They help you breathe - During the process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen (thanks secondary school science teacher!). That said, like humans, most plants respire at night releasing carbon dioxide. However! Succulents, and a few other plants like orchids and areca palms, keep producing oxygen all night long (talk about hustling). Keep these plants in your bedroom for an extra fresh air that ultimately leads to a better night’s sleep.
  3. They keep you glowing inside out - Roughly 10% of the moisture in the atmosphere is water released by plants. The same applies to your home, your mini atmosphere - the more plants you have, the better you can improve the humidity in your home. This prevents dry skin, colds, sore throat and dry cough. The study by Agricultural University of Norway found a 60 percent decrease in sickness rates in offices with plants. The Telegraph: "We investigated the amount of self-reported sick leave there was and compared it with the amount of plants they could see from their desk. The more plants they could see, then the less self-reported sick leave there was". (Now who's rushing to get some for their office desk after this point, I know I am!)
  4. They help you with that report you're working on! - Okok.. I may have gotten a little over excited with this one, BUT in all honesty, a number of studies of both students and workers have found that concentration, attentiveness and brain capabilities improve when studying or working with plants in the room. A University of Michigan study found that memory retention improved by as much as 20 percent when plants were present. Small plants like succulents are especially beneficial at work, as they don’t take up a lot of space on your desk.
  5. They aid in quicker recovery - Succulents can help in reducing flu-like symptoms, headaches, fever and coughs. According to researchers at Kansas State University, hospital patients with plants in their rooms required less pain medication, had lower blood pressure and heart rate and experienced less fatigue and anxiety.

Say what?! Now THAT'S just the excuse we needed to take one home right now (or 5 😉)!






Written by Bao

Bao is a coffee enthusiast in the day, efficiency maniac throughout the day, and farmer by night. Quirky is a mild description of this little pepper, but hey Aquarius in the house amirite ^^