What are Dragon Fruit Seedlings

Dragon Fruit seedlings like it's name suggest, is directly grown from the seeds of dragon fruits. You can think of them as the babies of dragon fruits.

Dragon fruit can be propagated directly from the seeds in the fruit. To do so, you'd need to cut the fruit in half, and then scoop out the seeds. The seeds need to be separated from the flesh. After which, you'd want to wash the seeds and dry them overnight. Using a germinating tray,  we can then plant the seeds in soil, but make sure that they are close to the top. Make sure that the soil is moist. At this point, we'd then cover it with plastic wrap until it germinates. Now! Just give it up to 10 to 15 days for the magic to happen! Once germination occurs, this young handsome plant can be transplanted into a larger pot TADA! 


OR... if you've no time for that, no worries, I gotcha 😉 Click on the images to check out some of our selection here:



So exactly, what's the deal with these babies? Read on to find out!



3 Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit Seedlings


  1. They reduce radiation! Ionizing radiation can affect the atoms in all living things, so it poses a health risk by damaging tissue and DNA in genes. With that said, dragon fruit seedlings are known to absorb all the radiation from their nearby surrounding. Because of that, many people are fond of keeping these babies on their work desk near their computers. Come on... tell me how many devices do you have? 1? 2? 5? 🤭 Between work laptops, monitors and the numerous mobile phones we have on us these days, radiation is omnipresent. But by taking the simple action of incorporating dragon fruit seedlings in your surrounding, you've effectively eliminated a percentage of these harmful rays. 
    p.s keep a look out for how tall the seedlings are growing! Radiation is one of the biggest source of growth for these seedlings. So keep an eye out for how fast your dragon fruit seedlings are growing! 
  2. They reduce eye tension! Eye strain or eye tension is a common condition that occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as while driving long distances or staring at computer screens and other digital devices for an extended period. And oh boy...take it from someone who uses eye drops on a daily basis, sometimes up to 3 times a day, eye strain can be annoying. But it usually isn't serious and goes away once you rest your eyes or take other steps to reduce your eye discomfort. One such method is by introducing dragon fruit seedlings into your work or study environment. These young sprouts are known to be able to reduce eye tension simply by looking at them from time to time during the day when your eyes start to feel sore or tired.
  3. They help you breathe better! Dragon fruit seedlings are known to produce a higher amount of oxygen. That's because these seedlings keep producing oxygen all night long, keeping the air in your work environment clean and fresh throughout the day!


But that said... are these seedlings easy to maintain? The short answer is yes! Scroll down to find out how to best care for them.



How To Care For Your Dragon Fruit Seedlings

  1. Dragon Fruit Seedlings do not require direct sunlight. Typically the best place to place your pot of babies is as near as possible to your radiation emitting device.  A popular location is right by your work desktop or monitor!
  2. These seedlings strive in sub-dry environment, hence watering them once a week is more than sufficient. A good rule of thumb is to only water when the soil is dry (you'd be able to tell either by touch, or if your seedlings are in a see-through glass pot, the soil layer would turn into a lighter shade of brown when dry).


And that's it folks! Thanks for tuning in to this weeks of hanging with Bao! Hope you took away some useful tips on caring for your dragon fruit seedlings or have a better understanding of what these cuties are if you see them outside. If you have any questions about Lithops or other succulents, please direct message me at https://sg.carousell.com/minilove and please include pictures of the plant(s) in question if at all possible! Also, do follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/MiniLove2020/.


And last but not least, hit me up on the comment sections on Facebook! Share with us if you've ever kept these seedlings before and how tall has yours grown! Pictures are always welcome! 


Till next week, peace friends! 🙃


Written by Bao

Bao is a coffee enthusiast in the day, efficiency maniac throughout the day, and farmer by night. Quirky is a mild description of this little pepper, but hey Aquarius in the house amirite ^^